• Museum
  • Annual Events
  • Attraction
  • Historic Sites
104 Kit Carson Rd
Fort Stanton, NM 88323
(575) 354-0341
April - November
Mon & Thur-Sat 10-4
Sun 12-4
Closed Tues & Wed

Sat 10-4
Sun 12-4

About Us

The Fort Stanton State Monument is a must-see attraction when visiting Lincoln County. Nestled on Highway 220 that bisects the Billy the Kid Scenic Byway, New Mexico's newest State Monument features read more
  • About

    The Fort Stanton State Monument is a must-see attraction when visiting Lincoln County. Nestled on Highway 220 that bisects the Billy the Kid Scenic Byway, New Mexico's newest State Monument features over 155 years of southwestern history ranging from its initial creation as a military garrison to its significance as the first Tuberculosis Hospital in the state, to an internment camp for German seaman during World War II.

    Fort Stanton is also partner with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) which oversees thousands of acres surrounding Fort Stanton. Visitors are invited to enjoy the nearly 100 miles of trails, a camping area, and horseback riding operated by BLM. The BLM operates an extensive caving program including studies of the For Stanton Cave and Snowy River, but the caves are not yet open to the public.

    With 53 buildings along the Rio Bonito, Fort Stanton is an ongoing project of the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs, and we invite you and your family to come out and watch our progress. It is a great place to bring your entire family for a picnic or a day of fun and exploration.

  • Media

    Fort Stanton Live, 2nd weekend in July
    Fort Stanton Live, 2nd weekend in July
  • Map